Can't connect to hub during guided setup

The COBI.Bike system uses a Bluetooth Smart wireless link for connecting between the hub and your phone.  The COBI.Bike app creates a special type of bonding with the hub which allows you to automatically re-connect when you want to use COBI.Bike.  This bonding is first established during the guided setup but you may need to create it at later stage, once your hub has been activated - for example, if you have deleted the bonding via the bluetooth menu within your device.

This guide focusses on problems you may encounter in setting up the initial connection prior to hub activation - i.e. during the "guided setup" process.  You will typically enter the guided setup when unboxing a new COBI.Bike or when accessing a COBI.Bike device for the first time.

Once you have created a COBI.Bike account, you can activate any COBI.Bike hub which is nearby and available (i.e. the hub not yet been activated, or has been deactivated by its previous owner).  Reinstalling the COBI.Bike app on your phone, deleting the bike profile, or logging out of your account via the app will trigger the guided setup process when you log in, so you can re-start the guided setup for COBI.Bike hubs you already own.

The situation where you are connecting for this first time is somewhat special because the COBI.Bike app is not yet connected to the COBI.Bike hub - so it cannot carry out much self diagnosis if something goes wrong.  However, in most cases the process will run smoothly.  If not, this guide will help you.

Diagnosis Steps

Recovery Steps

Hub Components

③ Status LED

If there is no reaction from the hub when you press the hub button, please see the Troubleshooting Hub power failure guide

If the Status LED is in a "breathing" white state, someone else is connected to the hub, preventing you from connecting to it, please see the Troubleshooting Hub connection blocked guide

If the Status LED is flashing dark blue, the firmware is broken, please see the Troubleshooting Hub firmware recovery

Still not working?

If you still having problems, please contact support quoting "Bluetooth connection failure in guided setup" in the subject.